Data Residency
The following diagram illustrates data flows in the Boss Insights platform.
Data providers may reside in various countries (sometimes multiple).
Boss Insights platform can be setup for a given FI/Fintech in one of our data residency locations which include U.S.A., U.K., Canada, Australia or Germany.
FI/Fintech may be based in any country but they typically elect for a data residency option to match their own geography.
The SME/Commercial customer may be located anywhere but is typically within the same geography as the FI/FIntech.
For example if a FI/Fintech chooses to use our U.S.A. data residency any customer data providers connected will push/pull data with our systems based in the U.S.A, data will be stored in the U.S.A even if the source data provider is based in New Zealand.