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How do I Create Reports and Restrict Access to Them?

This page covers how to give partners access to the platform and how to create forms and reports specifically for their leads

1. Financial Institution (administrator role)

1.1 - Creating a role

By creating a role, you can configure what actions users are allowed to perform and which pages they can access when logged to the platform. To create a role:

  1. Click the cogwheel icon on the top right corner to open the Settings menu and select Roles

  2. Click the New button on the top-right side of the window to open the form to create a new role

  3. Assign a name to the role and a description (optional), then go to the Permissions tab

  4. Search and click on Reporting Permissions, tick the View Own checkbox and click Save & Close to finish creating the new role

  5. You should see the newly created role listed on the Roles table

1.2 - Adding a user

Now let’s proceed with how to create users.

  1. Click the cogwheel icon on the top right corner to open the Settings menu and select Users

  2. Click the New button on the top-right side of the screen to open the form to create a new user

  3. Fill in the required information (they have a red asterisk (*) on the right side of their labels), select a Role for the user in the Role dropdown, then click Save & Close to finish creating the user

  4. You should see the new user listed on the Users table and the user’s role in the Role column

1.3 - Checking permissions for user

  1. Click the cogwheel icon on the top right corner to open the Settings menu and select Roles

  2. Clicking a Role name on the Name column will take you to the Edit Role page and the permissions available for this role will be listed in the Permissions tab

The permissions for users are determined by the role assigned to them. By clicking a User Count badge for a given role, you can see a list of users assigned to that role

1.4 - Creating a report

  1. Navigate to Reports on the sidebar

  2. Click the New button on the top-right side of the window to open the report creator

  3. In the Details tab, give a name to the report and a description (optional), select the Contacts as the data source for the report under the Data Source dropdown menu, assign an owner to the report on the Owner dropdown list if applicable, then go to the Data tab to configure what information will be displayed in the report

    Important notes

    1. If you want to use UTM tags as columns or filters in the report, select UTM Codes instead of Contacts in the Data Source dropdown list.

    2. Selecting an owner is required for users who only have View Own permissions.

  4. In the Data tab, the Columns list (left side) contains the data available to build the report. The list on the right side refers to data selected to be displayed in the report. Select the ones you want in the report by searching the Columns list and clicking them. You can also add filters to the report by clicking the Add Filter button (see section 1.6 for more details). When you have finished selecting the data, click Save & Close to save your changes and create the report

  5. You will be redirected to the report’s page. If you want to modify it, click the Edit button on the top-right corner to go to the Edit Report page

1.5 - Filtering a report

When editing a report, you can apply filters to it by clicking the Add Filter button (1).

You can add as many filters you want and you can use any field available in the Contacts list to build your filter - even if the field is not part of the form (2). The Condition list is where the rule for the filter is determined (3) and the Value input field is where you should insert the values you want to use for filtering (4). Additionally, if there is more than one filter, you can choose the relationship between them by selecting And or Or (5). Finally, to delete a filter, just click the orange button on the right side of the filter card (6).

Last but not least, switching Dynamic? to ‘Yes’ (7), will make this filter available on the report page:

1.6 - Assigning report to partner

  1. Navigate to Reports on the sidebar. Click New on the top-right corner of the window

  2. Click Edit on the top right corner to edit the contact's information

  3. Scroll down, click the Contact Owner dropdown, select the user you want to assign the contact, the scroll to the top of the page and click Save & Close to save your changes

2. Vendor/Supplier/Partner (other role)

To log in and access the results for your contacts:

  1. You should receive a username and a password from the financial institution. In the login form, insert both in their respective input fields and click ‘login’ to access the portal

  2. Navigate to ‘Reports’ on the sidebar. Select the report you’d like to view by clicking on the report’s name on the ‘Name’ column

  3. The report containing the information submitted by the contacts in the forms will be displayed in the table. You can also export the results in CSV, Excel or HTML by clicking on the arrow on the right side of the ‘Close’ button and then selecting your preferred format.

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