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Initial Setup

This document outlines some of the initial steps you’ll want to perform when first gaining access to the platform. These steps will require that you have admin access and can sign-in to the Portal Administration

There are two main areas that you will want to configure before using the platform:

  1. Users

  2. Branding

This document will discuss the default configuration, it is possible that your account has been setup with additional configuration.

Your production and sandbox accounts are separate environments, any configuration you make in one will NOT impact the other.

What is a sandbox account?

A sandbox account is a separate lending account that you can use for testing, with it you can create borrower accounts for learning and testing out new changes without impacting the production account you use for your customers


First you’ll want to read the Users & Groups page - specifically the part that covers adding a user and then think about which of your staff should have admin access vs regular user access. When you add a new user and add them to the “admins” user group they will be able to sign-in to the Portal Administration themselves and add new users and other administrative functions. The majority of staff within your account will likely NOT be admins. Decide who needs to have access and add them.


You’ll need to read the Branding page and then review a few key branding settings. Logo and Primary color are good items to check first as they have a large impact on the branding your customers will see on every page.

How can I see what this looks like?

If you login to your portal application you will see you logo displayed in the page header and the use of the primary color.

Next review the content of the various emails that are sent, think about what is going on from your customers perspective when they receive these emails and be sure to include some ways for them to get in touch with you if things don’t go to plan e.g. in a “Data Reminder” email you may want to include what they should do if they think they will be unusually late supplying you with needed information - should they call you? email? This would be useful to include.

Finally review the content and agreements (example agreement) used in the portfolio joining process. When a borrower is first invited to the portal they will see the “Join content” before they fill in the short form required to join the portfolio, next is the “Terms and Conditions” content - this will take some time to prepare and should be reviewed by your lawyer, some key things to include in the Terms are:

  • Why the data is needed

  • What purpose will the data that is collected be used for

  • How long will the data be retained

  • Who the data will be shared with

  • A link to or inclusion of a relevant privacy policy

Much of this content may be informed by your Data Protection Policy if you have one.

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