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Looking for a developer sandbox account? go to

Sandbox environments are useful for software developers as they provide a controlled and isolated environment where developers can experiments and test without affecting the production environment. No real data is created, it is a virtual environment that replicates an existing live environment.

The sandbox account functions just like a production account except with one key difference: when it comes to external API communication with your customers' third-party applications (such as Quickbooks or Salesforce), you’ll use sandbox API credentials instead of production credentials.

We’ve split up using the sandbox environment into several easy to follow articles to help you get start.

Getting Started

You will want to follow the Getting Started guide first. This will guide you through creating a developer sandbox account and then a business sandbox account.

Connect an Application

Once you have created a business sandbox account, you will want to use it to connect to an accounting application. We have provided a sandbox accounting application with static data that you can connect to quickly. Alternatively, if you already have a sandbox account on an accounting platform, such as Quickbooks, you may connect to that. We also have a guide on connecting to Quickbooks.

Fetch Data

Once you have successfully connected a sandbox accounting application, you can start fetching data. You can retrieve some data through the portal and more through the API. Read our Fetching Data from A Sandbox Account tutorial to learn more.

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