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Workflow Editor

The workflow is what a business customer uses to navigate through the portal. You may visit the Workflow Customization page to learn more.

The Workflow Editor is a a simple drag-and-drop system to create a custom navigation for business customers to work through.

Advanced Validation

You can set up an advanced validation system with your workflow to provide visual feedback on the status and progress of workflow steps. To learn more about this please check out our Checkersdocumentation.

Figure 1. Image of advanced validation

Where is the Workflow Editor?

After logging in to the administration portal, please refer to the left navigation menu and select “Developers” and then “Workflow Editor” from the dropdown menu.

Figure 2. Where to find Workflow Editor

Edit the Workflow

In the right column (or top in mobile-view), you will see the catalog containing components that can be dragged and dropped into the workflow column on the left (or bottom in mobile-view). The workflow column is what will be displayed to your business customers.

Figure 3.1. Catalog and workflow columns

Below is an example of a finished workflow that matched the configuration in the left workflow column above.

Figure 3.2. Example workflow reflecting workflow column shown in Figure 3.1.

Configuring Components

Once a component has been placed into the right workflow column, you can view the configuration options by clicking the down arrow towards the right of the component block.

Figure 4.1. Select the arrow to display configuration options

This will reveal a dropdown menu with configuration options, please refer to the table below to see what each option entails.

Figure 4.2. Example of configuration options

Table of Basic Configuration Options

Please check out the component catalog below for additional configuration options for components.

Configuration Option


Name (title)

This is the title text that will appear on the workflow

Index Type

What appears next to the title of the workflow step.

Possible values: Number , Icon, None

Step Number OR Icon Name

Step Number: Only visible if you selected Number as Index Type. You can enter an integer value for which step number this particular step refers to.

Icon Name: Only visible if you selected Icon as Index Type. You can select from a collection of duotone icons to use. You can find the names of possible icons as a .txt file on the interface.

Item ID

For checkers configuration. Checkers rely on menu items have IDs to, in the data.json5 file this will be called menuId. Please refer to the checkers documentation for more details.

Checkbox: Hide checkers notifications

If this is selected, the visual indicators called checkers will not be visible

Checkbox: Hide workflow items for children accounts

If this is selected, business customers will not be able to see this workflow step. It will only be visible to the financial institution.


Helpful text to include that will appear as a banner on the form page.

Deleting Components

You may delete any component you do not want to keep by hovering over the component in the workflow column and clicking the trashcan icon on the right.

Figure 5. Delete a component

Saving Workflow

To save your work, please click the “Save Changes” button in the bottom right. Please note that your progress will not be saved unless you click the save button.

Figure 6. Save button

Component Catalog



Additional Configuration Options


Name of your workflow

Profile Form

Primary form, typically used for account information collection

All Connections

A single page where business customers can select multiple integration connections.

Available Integrations: Choose which integrations connection options you would like your business customer to choose from (Checkboxes: Accounting, Payroll, Commerce, Banking, Billing).

Accounting Connection

Business customers can only select from accounting integrations to connect to.

Banking Connection

Business customers can only select from banking integrations to connect to.

Commerce Connection

Business customers can only select from commerce integrations to connect to.

Billing Connection

Business customers can only select from billing integrations to connect to.

Payroll Connection

Business customers can only select from Payroll integrations to connect to.

Upload Files

File vault where files can be uploaded.

Financial Mapping

Typically only shown to financial institution, here you decide where data from integration connections is mapped to.


A page where the last reconciliation date for a data source can be set.


A page that displays a form. To learn more about creating custom forms, please visit the Form Editor documentation.

Available Forms: A drop down menu where you can select which form to display. Forms you have available can be viewed from Form Editor tab in left navigation menu in administration portal.

Secure mail

Secure messaging system between business customer and financial institution. Email notifications are sent to according parties when a message is received.


A submenu can be added within your workflow, it will act as a secondary menu. The same component items can be dragged and dropped under Menu Items.

Menu Items: Drag and drop components from the left catalog menu to display within the submenu.

You cannot add a submenu to a submenu.

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